Παρασκευή 1 Ιουλίου 2011

Cultural Festival Domus July 2011

The Higlight of Your Holiday!!!.

Domus della Rocca-Barozzi - VENETIAN MUSEUM Kastro (Castle) Hora – Naxos
Tel.: +30 22850-22387 e-mail: venetianmuseum@yahoo.gr
http:www.naxosisland.gr/VenetianMuseum or : naxosfestival.com

1st Friday
at 21.15
Bouzouki Evening
Greek Popular Music Songs Laiko- Rebetiko –Smyrnaiko
Dances : Hasapiko – Zebekiko– Syrtaki (Zorbas) e.c.t.
Lokal drinks – Refrashments***

2nd Saturday
at 21:15
Piano Evening by the Armenian Pianist Ruben Satian
Jazz and Blues Improvisations
G.Gerswin – D.Ellington-M.Daves-S.Wonder-M. Jackson- M.Hatzidakis S.Kazantzidis – R.Satian – K.Hatzis
Local Drinks - Refreshments ***

3rd Sunday
at 20.45
Naxos Traditional Music, songs
dances – Dancers in traditional
costumes Unlimited Local Drinks - Refreshments
spectacular view of the sunset
The event ends with your participation in the dancing ***

5 th Tuesday
at 21.15
Violin and Piano Concert
Violin : Elena Kiseliova
Piano:Valeriy Ismaghilov
I.Stravinsky - P. de Sarasate
P. Chaikofsky – H. Vieuxtemps
N.Skalkotas – M.Hatzidakis
Local Drincs - Refreshments ***
6 th Wednesday
at 20.45

PLS see previous description ***
7 th Thursday
at 21.15
Jazz and blues Improvisations
Ruben Satian
PLS see previous description ***
8 th Friday
at 21.15

Bouzouki Evening
PLS see previous description ***

9 th Saturday
at 21.15

Jazz & Blues Stories
Guitar –Piano –Harmonika-Vocals
M.Anastasopoulos : ♪♪♪ Saxophone-Piano
Local Drinks - Refreshments
10 th Sunday
at 20.45

PLS see previous description ***

11th Monday
at 21:15
Three Great modern Greek Composers
M.Hatzidakis- M.Loizos
Ch.Panagiotopoulos Guitar-Vokals
E.Tseki : Accordeon- Vocals
Local Drinks - Refreshments
12th Tuesday
at 21.15

Violin and Piano Concert
PLS see previous description ***
13 th Wednesday
at 20.45

PLS see previous description ***
15 th Friday
at 21.15

Bouzouki Evening
PLS see previous description ***
16 th Saturday
at 21.00
Jazz and blues Improvisations
Ruben Satian

PLS see previous description ***
17 th Sunday
at 20.30

PLS see previous description ***

18th Monday
at 21.00

Piano Recital
Valeriy Ismaghilov
F.Copin- S.Rachmaninoff- A.Scriabin-I.Stravinsky ♫♫♫

Local Drinks - Refreshments
19th Tuesday
at 21.00

Violin and Piano Concert
PLS see previous description ***
20th Wednesday
at 20.30

please see
previous description ***
21st Thursday
at 21.00
Concert for Guitar and Piano
Guitar : N. Karavias
Piano : Victoria Kiasimi
D. Kellner – F.Sor-L.Brouwer
J.Rodrigo (Concerto de Aranjuez )
Local Drinks - Refreshments
22nd Friday
at 21.00

Bouzouki Evening
PLS see previous description ***
23rd Saturday
at 21.00
Jazz & Blues Stories

PLS see previous description♪♪♪
24th Sunday
at 20.30

PLS see previous description ***
25th Monday
at 21.00
Piano Recital
Valeriy Ismaghilov
PLS previous description♫♫♫

26th Tuesday 21.00

Violin and Piano Concert
PLS see previous description ***
27th Wednesday
at 20.30

PLS see previous description ***
28th Thursday
at 21.00
Jazz and blues Improvisations
Ruben Satian
PLS see previous description ***
29th Friday
at 21.00

Bouzouki Evening
PLS see previous description ***
30th Saturday
at 21:00
Piano Revolution
Andreas Boutsikakis
Mikis Theodorakis Music
Local Drinks - Refreshments
31st Sunday
Wedding Reception

Art Director : Elena Kiseliova
ô NOTE: Due to extraordinary demand, please reserve your seats in advance

at the Venetian Museum Reception or call: +30 22850 22387

Κατά τον μήνα Ιούλιο 2011-06-29 στους εκθεσιακούς μας χώρους φιλοξενούται

Εκθεση Φωτογραφίας

Του Αγγελου Μίχα

Εκθεση Γλυπτικής

Του Γιώργου Γλέζου

Εκθεση Κεραμικής

Του Μανώλη Λυμπερτά